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Industry Overview

Frankfurt RheinMain has much more to offer businesses than ‘just’ a super-strong financial center and one of Europe’s biggest airports

In addition to the vibrant financial community and Frankfurt Airport there are various other cutting-edge competence clusters based here

Competence clusters/companies that are based in Frankfurt region

Life sciences BioNtech, Merck, Boehringer Ingelheim, Fresenius, Sanofi
IT & Datacenters       Software AG, SAP AG, Equinix, Digital Realty 
Automotive Continental, Stellantis Opel, Cherry Europe, Kia, Hyundai
Consulting The "Big Four", Accenture, Arthur D. Little

In recent years, numerous corporations from a broad array of many different sectors have chosen to locate their German or regional headquarters in the Frankfurt RheinMain region. Meaning they serve their European client-base and manage their European expansion from here. And why?

Because they like benefiting from the central location, the highly skilled workforce, and the superlative infrastructure. What is more, the staff members who come with them know they and their families will enjoy living here. In a safe, secure, fast-growing and vibrant environment that is just right for any scale of business. Be it a sales office, a regional HQ, an R&D center or even manufacturing.

Your contact:
Your contact:
Jan Fiedler.
Director Regional Networks & Industries

+49 69 686038 - 37

Discover the Frankfurt RheinMain region – your perfect launchpad into Europe

  • Financial Services.

    If you work in the financial world, then you’ll already be very familiar with Frankfurt’s reputation as the leading European financial hub. It’s home to not only the ECB, key German and European regulators, and the German stock exchange system, but also countless service providers across the entire spectrum. In fact, the greater Frankfurt financial hub employs over 120,000 people - more than any other financial location on the continent. And the financial service industry can draw on a thriving international fintech hub that can vie with any other world-wide and which attracts young as well as experienced talent from all over the world.

    Green finance location: The headquarters of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) – established in 2022, the ISSB develops the generally accepted international norms for corporate sustainability reporting. With the ISSB and many key players involved in providing sustainable finance solutions, Frankfurt is fast developing into a Green Finance capital.  

    Side note: German Government green bonds are issued by Deutsche Finanzagentur in Frankfurt.

    Strong reasons to set up in the Frankfurt RheinMain region

    • Ecosystem: Frankfurt provides perfect support for the financial services industry, with its host of fintechs, banks, regulators, and universities – not to mention Deutsche Börse, the German stock exchange.

    • Proximity to regulators (great plus for time-efficiency & expert conferences):
      European Central Bank (ECB)
      German Bundesbank
      European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)
      Global Legal Entity Indentifier Foundation (GLEIF)
      German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
      Federal Financial Market Stabilization Authority (FMSA)
      European Insurance and Occupational Pension Authority (EIOPA)

    • Ideal location: At the very center of the European Economic Area’s cross-border financial passport system.

    • Innovative environment: A talent pool of experts in blockchain, artificial intelligence, and all aspects of fintech.

    "The importance of Frankfurt as a financial center in Europe resides in its access to a robust customer base, competence in the field of green finance, high density of institutions and service providers with a multitude of specializations, and a thriving network of partnerships with a high level of financial expertise. Frankfurt also benefits from a vibrant fintech and start-up scene, highly educated talent pool, internationally trained staff, and first-in-class infrastructure."

    Dr. Ingrid Hengster
    CEO Germany - Global Chairman Investment Banking, Barclays

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    Headquaters and Banking

  • Life

    The region features a world-leading life sciences cluster with many renowned pharmaceutical corporations. Among them cutting-edge R&D geniuses like BioNTech, Sanofi, Merck, Fresenius and Boehringer Ingelheim, as well as chemical giants including DuPont, Celanese and Clariant.

    In addition, Frankfurt RheinMain has outstanding infrastructure and facilities tailored to the needs of the life sciences industry and covering the entire value chain – from R&D, manufacturing, and sales, through to packaging and distribution of innovative products.

    Strong reasons to set up in the Frankfurt RheinMain region

    • Home to leading research establishments, such as the Frauenhofer, Helmholtz, and Max Planck institutes. And also home to the key German regulator for vaccines and biomedicines, the Paul Ehrlich Institute. Guaranteeing ideal conditions in which sharp minds will flourish.


    • Cost-efficient and effective distribution options due to superb transportation connectivity in the heart of Europe.

    • The pharmaceutical and chemical industries benefit from state-of-the-art industrial parks, special logistics and support services.

    • Strong regional networks, a climate of collaboration, and well--established cluster organizations such as the House of Pharma.

    "In close proximity to the headquarters of key business units of large international pharmaceutical companies, we benefit significantly from this innovative ecosystem. Dynamic start-ups, high-ranked universities and research institutions, and other important players such as the Paul Ehrlich Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines create the ideal background for the successful development of our company in the Frankfurt RheinMain region."

    Prof. Dr. Jochen Maas
    General Manager R&D Germany
    Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH

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    Life Science Map of the Region

  • IT
    & Tech.

    Opportunities for growth at your (new) doorstep: With over 400,000 companies – from start-ups to blue chips – and a broad array of different industries, the region provides an extensive customer and client base for IT companies.
    Moreover, Frankfurt RheinMain is the fastest-growing data center location in Europe and provides world-leading expertise in the fields of cybersecurity and fintech. The region’s universities as well as institutions like ATHENE help lead the way in the fields of cybersecurity, blockchain and digital assets.

    Strong reasons to set up in the Frankfurt RheinMain region

    • 47 million customers within a radius of 200 km.

    • Highly qualified workforce and a deep pool of science and engineering talent.

    • In terms of data throughput, DE-CIX in Frankfurt is the largest internet node in the world, delivering prime connectivity and superior transaction speed for the financial industry and data center operators.

    • Vibrant start-up and tech ecosystem with the emphasis on fintech, proptech and insuretech.

    • Intensive collaboration between start-ups with educational institutions and universities.

    "Here in this area, the RheinMain area, as well as in Hessen, we have the opportunity of bringing together some of the industry powerhouses. And the 'made in Germany', the brand, the image, and the depth of domain expertise, combine that with software. This is something that is a unique selling aspect for us being able to attract talent."

    Sanjay Brahmawar
    CEO Software AG

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    IT & Tech Map of the Region

  • Auto-

    Frankfurt RheinMain has a long-standing history as a major automotive industry hub. Not only is the region home to the main Opel factory and Frankfurt itself the base for Kia’s European design center - but Continental, for example, operates more than 10 R&D and manufacturing facilities here.

    In fact, in total more than 50,000 people work in the automotive industry cluster in our region.

    Strong reasons to set up in the Frankfurt RheinMain region

    • Central location in the middle of all the relevant European automotive hubs – an ideal launchpad to enter and serve the European market.

    • Home to a well-connected international automotive cluster that covers the entire value chain, with particular strengths in engineering, R&D, and design.


    • Local pool of highly skilled and talented labor and engineers trained by the region’s academic and vocational education institutions, among them one of the largest mechanical engineering training facilities in all of Germany.

    • Global logistics expertise guaranteed by the world’s leading service providers.

    "As a leading provider of premium tyres and sustainable mobility solutions, it is important for Bridgestone Central European Region to work closely with our partners, the automobile manufacturers, and our customers in the trade. The Frankfurt RheinMain region lies at the heart of Germany and is one of Europe's best connected and most dynamic economic areas. We highly value this optimal infrastructure for our company, while the region is also an attractive location for our employees who 'feel at home around the globe' here."

    Christian Mühlhäuser
    Managing Director Bridgestone Central Europe


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  • Con-

    Given the region’s economic prowess, international reach, and the large number of key corporations from all manner of sectors domiciled here there is constant strong demand for consulting services.

    It thus comes as no surprise that many major players in the fields of business and management, legal, auditing, and marketing consultancy work have set up shop here – along with many expert boutiques. The presence of some of the main financial regulators, governmental institutions and certification agencies in the region helps foster the need for expert advisory services.

    Strong reasons to set up in the Frankfurt RheinMain region

    • Frankfurt RheinMain Region is home to industries, institutions, and regulators that all have exceptionally high requirements for advisory and consulting services.

    • The region’s strong international network provides ideal terrain for business and management consultants.

    • The uniquely beneficial travel infrastructure and connectivity save time and money.

    • Frankfurt RheinMain is a true business hub and attractive career location for young professionals as well as senior management.

    "Consulting relies on strong customers, innovative partners, and outstanding talent. And all of that is available here in Frankfurt RheinMain. Even if living out of a roller suitcase is little more than a consulting cliché these days, the excellent regional transport links to our Kronberg site are an important factor for our staff members. And which city in Germany is more international than Frankfurt and offers a better quality of life? None. In the global race to attract the best talents, that is definitely a major plus."

    Karl Rathgeb
    Member of the Managing Board, Accenture Holding GmbH & Co. KG

    Set up your business in Frankfurt RheinMain and benefit from our network


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  • Logistics.

    Frankfurt RheinMain is Germany’s pre-eminent national and international logistics hub - thanks to its second-to-none central location. Hardly surprisingly, countless leading logistics providers are based here in Germany’s powerhouse. Fraport AG, which operates Frankfurt Airport, is one of the leading companies in the global airport business, and active at 30 airports on four continents. And like its peers is busy serving the 150-plus world market leaders and 98 Global Fortune 500 companies based in the region.

    Strong reasons to set up in the Frankfurt RheinMain region

    • By far Germany’s largest passenger airport and Europe’s most important air cargo hub, only 15 minutes from Frankfurt City Center.

    • 47 million consumers can be reached within a 200 km radius, 400,000 companies within 30 minutes.

    • Highly efficient intermodal connectivity between road, air, and railway network.

    "Frankfurt Airport is one of the leading international airports in the world. There is hardly any other airport from which you can reach more destinations; it connects the world with the city of Frankfurt and the Frankfurt RheinMain region. Its excellent location in the heart of Hessen, Germany and Europe makes it a central anchor point for companies operating internationally. And we are setting the airport up for sustainability. By 2045, the airport will be climate neutral and will minimize its carbon footprint every year until then – despite expansion and thanks to state-of-the-art technology. Because we also want to enable future generations to travel the world."

    Dr. Stefan Schulte
    Chairman of the Executive Board of Fraport AG

    Grow and expand your business and let us support you with our region-wide site selection guidance


Financial Services.

If you work in the financial world, then you’ll already be very familiar with Frankfurt’s reputation as the leading European financial hub. It’s home to not only the ECB, key German and European regulators, and the German stock exchange system, but also countless service providers across the entire spectrum. In fact, the greater Frankfurt financial hub employs over 120,000 people - more than any other financial location on the continent. And the financial service industry can draw on a thriving international fintech hub that can vie with any other world-wide and which attracts young as well as experienced talent from all over the world.

Green finance location: The headquarters of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) – established in 2022, the ISSB develops the generally accepted international norms for corporate sustainability reporting. With the ISSB and many key players involved in providing sustainable finance solutions, Frankfurt is fast developing into a Green Finance capital.  

Side note: German Government green bonds are issued by Deutsche Finanzagentur in Frankfurt.

Strong reasons to set up in the Frankfurt RheinMain region

  • Ecosystem: Frankfurt provides perfect support for the financial services industry, with its host of fintechs, banks, regulators, and universities – not to mention Deutsche Börse, the German stock exchange.

  • Proximity to regulators (great plus for time-efficiency & expert conferences):
    European Central Bank (ECB)
    German Bundesbank
    European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)
    Global Legal Entity Indentifier Foundation (GLEIF)
    German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
    Federal Financial Market Stabilization Authority (FMSA)
    European Insurance and Occupational Pension Authority (EIOPA)

  • Ideal location: At the very center of the European Economic Area’s cross-border financial passport system.

  • Innovative environment: A talent pool of experts in blockchain, artificial intelligence, and all aspects of fintech.

"The importance of Frankfurt as a financial center in Europe resides in its access to a robust customer base, competence in the field of green finance, high density of institutions and service providers with a multitude of specializations, and a thriving network of partnerships with a high level of financial expertise. Frankfurt also benefits from a vibrant fintech and start-up scene, highly educated talent pool, internationally trained staff, and first-in-class infrastructure."

Dr. Ingrid Hengster
CEO Germany - Global Chairman Investment Banking, Barclays

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Headquaters and Banking

Life Sciences


The region features a world-leading life sciences cluster with many renowned pharmaceutical corporations. Among them cutting-edge R&D geniuses like BioNTech, Sanofi, Merck, Fresenius and Boehringer Ingelheim, as well as chemical giants including DuPont, Celanese and Clariant.

In addition, Frankfurt RheinMain has outstanding infrastructure and facilities tailored to the needs of the life sciences industry and covering the entire value chain – from R&D, manufacturing, and sales, through to packaging and distribution of innovative products.

Strong reasons to set up in the Frankfurt RheinMain region

  • Home to leading research establishments, such as the Frauenhofer, Helmholtz, and Max Planck institutes. And also home to the key German regulator for vaccines and biomedicines, the Paul Ehrlich Institute. Guaranteeing ideal conditions in which sharp minds will flourish.


  • Cost-efficient and effective distribution options due to superb transportation connectivity in the heart of Europe.

  • The pharmaceutical and chemical industries benefit from state-of-the-art industrial parks, special logistics and support services.

  • Strong regional networks, a climate of collaboration, and well--established cluster organizations such as the House of Pharma.

"In close proximity to the headquarters of key business units of large international pharmaceutical companies, we benefit significantly from this innovative ecosystem. Dynamic start-ups, high-ranked universities and research institutions, and other important players such as the Paul Ehrlich Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines create the ideal background for the successful development of our company in the Frankfurt RheinMain region."

Prof. Dr. Jochen Maas
General Manager R&D Germany
Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH

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Life Science Map of the Region

IT & Tech

& Tech.

Opportunities for growth at your (new) doorstep: With over 400,000 companies – from start-ups to blue chips – and a broad array of different industries, the region provides an extensive customer and client base for IT companies.
Moreover, Frankfurt RheinMain is the fastest-growing data center location in Europe and provides world-leading expertise in the fields of cybersecurity and fintech. The region’s universities as well as institutions like ATHENE help lead the way in the fields of cybersecurity, blockchain and digital assets.

Strong reasons to set up in the Frankfurt RheinMain region

  • 47 million customers within a radius of 200 km.

  • Highly qualified workforce and a deep pool of science and engineering talent.

  • In terms of data throughput, DE-CIX in Frankfurt is the largest internet node in the world, delivering prime connectivity and superior transaction speed for the financial industry and data center operators.

  • Vibrant start-up and tech ecosystem with the emphasis on fintech, proptech and insuretech.

  • Intensive collaboration between start-ups with educational institutions and universities.

"Here in this area, the RheinMain area, as well as in Hessen, we have the opportunity of bringing together some of the industry powerhouses. And the 'made in Germany', the brand, the image, and the depth of domain expertise, combine that with software. This is something that is a unique selling aspect for us being able to attract talent."

Sanjay Brahmawar
CEO Software AG

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Frankfurt RheinMain has a long-standing history as a major automotive industry hub. Not only is the region home to the main Opel factory and Frankfurt itself the base for Kia’s European design center - but Continental, for example, operates more than 10 R&D and manufacturing facilities here.

In fact, in total more than 50,000 people work in the automotive industry cluster in our region.

Strong reasons to set up in the Frankfurt RheinMain region

  • Central location in the middle of all the relevant European automotive hubs – an ideal launchpad to enter and serve the European market.

  • Home to a well-connected international automotive cluster that covers the entire value chain, with particular strengths in engineering, R&D, and design.


  • Local pool of highly skilled and talented labor and engineers trained by the region’s academic and vocational education institutions, among them one of the largest mechanical engineering training facilities in all of Germany.

  • Global logistics expertise guaranteed by the world’s leading service providers.

"As a leading provider of premium tyres and sustainable mobility solutions, it is important for Bridgestone Central European Region to work closely with our partners, the automobile manufacturers, and our customers in the trade. The Frankfurt RheinMain region lies at the heart of Germany and is one of Europe's best connected and most dynamic economic areas. We highly value this optimal infrastructure for our company, while the region is also an attractive location for our employees who 'feel at home around the globe' here."

Christian Mühlhäuser
Managing Director Bridgestone Central Europe


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Automotive Map of the Region



Given the region’s economic prowess, international reach, and the large number of key corporations from all manner of sectors domiciled here there is constant strong demand for consulting services.

It thus comes as no surprise that many major players in the fields of business and management, legal, auditing, and marketing consultancy work have set up shop here – along with many expert boutiques. The presence of some of the main financial regulators, governmental institutions and certification agencies in the region helps foster the need for expert advisory services.

Strong reasons to set up in the Frankfurt RheinMain region

  • Frankfurt RheinMain Region is home to industries, institutions, and regulators that all have exceptionally high requirements for advisory and consulting services.

  • The region’s strong international network provides ideal terrain for business and management consultants.

  • The uniquely beneficial travel infrastructure and connectivity save time and money.

  • Frankfurt RheinMain is a true business hub and attractive career location for young professionals as well as senior management.

"Consulting relies on strong customers, innovative partners, and outstanding talent. And all of that is available here in Frankfurt RheinMain. Even if living out of a roller suitcase is little more than a consulting cliché these days, the excellent regional transport links to our Kronberg site are an important factor for our staff members. And which city in Germany is more international than Frankfurt and offers a better quality of life? None. In the global race to attract the best talents, that is definitely a major plus."

Karl Rathgeb
Member of the Managing Board, Accenture Holding GmbH & Co. KG

Set up your business in Frankfurt RheinMain and benefit from our network


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Frankfurt RheinMain is Germany’s pre-eminent national and international logistics hub - thanks to its second-to-none central location. Hardly surprisingly, countless leading logistics providers are based here in Germany’s powerhouse. Fraport AG, which operates Frankfurt Airport, is one of the leading companies in the global airport business, and active at 30 airports on four continents. And like its peers is busy serving the 150-plus world market leaders and 98 Global Fortune 500 companies based in the region.

Strong reasons to set up in the Frankfurt RheinMain region

  • By far Germany’s largest passenger airport and Europe’s most important air cargo hub, only 15 minutes from Frankfurt City Center.

  • 47 million consumers can be reached within a 200 km radius, 400,000 companies within 30 minutes.

  • Highly efficient intermodal connectivity between road, air, and railway network.

"Frankfurt Airport is one of the leading international airports in the world. There is hardly any other airport from which you can reach more destinations; it connects the world with the city of Frankfurt and the Frankfurt RheinMain region. Its excellent location in the heart of Hessen, Germany and Europe makes it a central anchor point for companies operating internationally. And we are setting the airport up for sustainability. By 2045, the airport will be climate neutral and will minimize its carbon footprint every year until then – despite expansion and thanks to state-of-the-art technology. Because we also want to enable future generations to travel the world."

Dr. Stefan Schulte
Chairman of the Executive Board of Fraport AG

Grow and expand your business and let us support you with our region-wide site selection guidance

The place-to-be for
your regional headquarters

Whether your main clients are based in Germany or elsewhere within the European Union or Europe as a whole: There are good reasons why companies from around the world and across just about all business sectors choose Frankfurt RheinMain for their European or EMEA headquarters.

Perfect base to manage your European operations and serve your European clients.

  • Central location in the heart of both Germany and Europe

  • Outstanding connectivity to other German and European cities, and worldwide

  • Vast pool of potential recruits – highly qualified and English speaking

Access to industry-specific advice

We are proud to be supported by an independent advisory board representing many of the key sectors of the Frankfurt RheinMain region.

Members of our Advisory Board

Dr. Oliver Dany Boston Consulting Group
Prof. Dr. Theodor Dingermann Goethe Universität Frankfurt Institut für Pharmazeutische Biologie
Gabriele Eick Executive Communications- Betreuung für Synchronisierte Kommunikation und Marketing
Tanja Birkholz Schufa Holding AG
Baki Irmak Pyfore Capital GmbH
Matthias Lechner TE Connectivity Germany GmbH
Thorsten N. Kern CEO Heinrich Dehn Internationale Spedition GmbH
Peter Knapp CloudHQ
Ulrich Kreimeyer Liber Unternehmensgruppe GmbH
Karl Heinz Krug Capgemini
Christian F. Mühlhäuser Bridgestone
Jürgen F. Pascoe Pascoe pharmazeutische Präparate GmbH
Dr. Quintus Russe Goethe Universität Frankfurt Institut für Pharmazeutische Biologie
Markus Sandhöfner B&R Industrie-Elektronik GmbH
Volker Schier ASAP Holding GmbH
Prof. Dr. Tom Sommerlatte TMI Trust-Management-Institut e.V.
Lilly Vasanthini Infosys Technologies
Jürgen Walther Vorsitzender Industrievereinigung Odenwald
Marion Weigand DuPont Deutschland Holding GmbH & C. KG
Gerhard Wiesheu Spokesman of the Executive Board, B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. KGaA


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